An Assessment of Training and Development of the Personnel in the Taxi Industry: A Case Study of the Taxi Transportation Industry in Johannesburg

Linda Dominic Shezi, Louise Niemand and Anis Mahomed Karodia

Major conflicts, problems and poor performance of taxi services in Johannesburg are known to be associated with the lack of training and development in the taxi industry. Quantifiable observations suggested the propositions that training and development in the taxi industry in Johannesburg is under-recognized but Johannesburg like all other cities in South Africa has a high unemployment rate and a high poverty percentage that need to be reduced. All parties involved in taxi business seen during the research in Johannesburg, taxi owners, rank marshals, taxi drivers and Transport Education and Training Authority managers were involved in the research study. Each stakeholder went through a comprehensive questionnaire process. Lack of training and development among the participants were noticed, and severity of road accidents, road rage fighting, and taxi related killings resulting in routine customer service was observed. A group of taxi managers, rank marshals and drivers were seen during the same time period served as a control group. The taxi industry accounts for sixty five percent of all public transport in Johannesburg. Respondents between 18-25 years formed the majority with respondents representing fifty percent and 26-35 representing thirty percent respectively. Respondents aged between 36-55 representing twenty percent. Younger age group has bigger percentage. Most of the taxi employees constituting the total eighty five percent have no professional qualification. Twenty five percent taxi employees hold Grade 12 and others have a Post Matric Certificate (NQF Level 5 and above holders). To reduce these problems the government need to work hard to formalise the taxi industry, amongst other measures by instilling professional skills. Training and development of taxi owners, rank marshals and drivers in the industry could be the answer to the industry problems. Subsidies are needed to be provided as it is given to the buses and trains. To sustain the smooth, productive and economic development, the government must make thorough training available in areas such as the Customer Services, Professional Driving, Supervisory, Transport Management, Transport Economics, Communication, Compliance, Conflict Management, Risk Management, Health and Safety, Anger Management, Financial Management, Business Management Skills and Human Resource management to this side of the industry.

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