Effect of metal on germination and proline accumulation in spinacea oleracea

Geetha S Menon, Sandeep A. Kamthe and Shital Gharge

The presence of heavy metals in the environment is of major concern because of their toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenic and bio-accumulating tendency threat to the human life and the environment. Spinach is a popular leafy vegetable, rich in proteins and vitamins. It has been reported earlier that Spinach accumulate nitrates and oxalates in the leaves in response to sewage water irrigation. In the present investigation, Spinacea oleracea “variety all green” was grown, irrigated with different ppm solutions (50, 100, 300, and 500) of Co, Zn and Pb salt each to study the effect on the germination percentage and germination index of the seed. The germination index was greater in 500ppm concentration in all salt solution used (CoSO4, ZnSO4 and (CH3COO)2 Pb), though in lower concentrations (300,100,50 ppm) it was consistent and no variations were observed . Among the three salt solutions used for irrigation, response of the seeds to Pb showed least germination percentage. The proline content in the experimental plants was investigated to evaluate the stress response. In plants irrigated with Pb solution the proline content was found to be very high as compared to other salts (CoSO4 and ZnSO4).

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