Hydrodynamically balanced systems as novel gastroretentive drug delivery system-a current status

Rupali S. Bhoir

As we all know about world trending towards the novel drug delivery systems because of site specific effect, minimal toxicity and increase the half life of drugs, and also improve the bioavailability of different types of drugs. Oral administration of the drug is the most effective method for administering medication because of its ease of administration, patient adherence, and patient capacitance, among other advantages. There have been many different strategies developed for the purpose of increasing the gastro retentive time. Some examples of these strategies are the high-density system, the floating system, the swelling and expanding system, and the mucoadhesive and bio-adhesive systems. The easiest and most effective Gastroretentive dosage form is called the Hydrodynamically Balanced System (HBS);the primary purpose of this article review is to concentrate on the mechanism of the HBS system along with its advantages, disadvantages, and future toward a hydrodynamically balanced sheet.

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