Prospective biosurfactant applications in food industry – opportunities and challenges

Parthasarathi, R. and Subha, K.S.

Biosurfactant are surface active compounds released by microorganisms. They are biodegradable non-toxic and ecofriendly materials. Biosurfactant have paying attention by many scientists because of their low toxicity, ecological acceptability. The increasing environmental concern about chemical surfactants triggers attention to microbial- derived surface-active compounds essentially due to the low and biodegradable nature. At present, biosurfactants are predominantly used in remediation of pollutants; however, they show potential applications in many sectors of Food Industry.Associated with emulsion farming and stabilization, antiadhensive and antimicrobial activities are some properties of biosurfactant, which could be explored in food processing and formulation. Potential applications of microbial surfactants in food area and the use of agroindustrial wastes as alternative substrates for their production are discussed.

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