The present study investigates the heavy metals concentrations in surface water and soft body tissues of the freshwater bivalve lamellidens corrianus collected from Girna, Ozarkhed, Chankapur and Gangapur reservoirs of Nasik district during summer, monsoon and winter seasons. The mean values of heavy metals Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd concentrations in surface water were highest at Girna reservoir and lowest at Gangapur reservoir. Therefore, it was concluded that Girna reservoir was more polluted than other studied reservoirs. The biochemical components DNA, RNA and ascorbic acid, were estimated from soft tissues of the freshwater bivalve lamellidens corrianus. The results showed lowest DNA, RNA and ascorbic acid contents in soft body tissues of bivalve species sampled from Girna reservoir while highest DNA, RNA and ascorbic acid contents were observed in soft body tissues of bivalve species sampled from Gangapur reservoir. This indicated that bivalve species inhabiting at Girna reservoir are under more environmental stress than bivalve species inhabiting at Gangapur reservoir.