Introduction: The burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus varies remarkably throughout the region of the world and is a serious public health problem in both developed and developing countries. Despite the advancement in knowledge and the increasingly effective therapeutic strategies for type 2 diabetes mellitus management, sustainable control rates at the population level are still elusive. Objective: To compare effect of upper limb resisted exercises versus abdominal exercises on fasting blood sugar in community dwelling individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methodology: 84 participants (M- 46, F- 34) were enrolled in study. Group 1 participants have performed upper limb resisted exercises and Group 2 performed abdominal exercises for 4 weeks. Post test data was collected from 80 participants (M- 46, F- 34) in this Group 1has (M-22, F-18) and Group has (M-24, F-16). Results: There is highly significant different between Group 1 and Group 2 (t=4.03). This shows upper limb resisted exercises is responsible for the reducing fasting blood sugar more compared to abdominal exercises. Conclusion: Upper limb resisted exercises should be part of the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.