Spirituality at Workplace and Commitment to Change: The case of secondary school teachers in Malaysia

Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah and Ying-Leh Ling

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence spirituality at workplace on teachers’ organizational commitment to change in the context of secondary school in Malaysia. The data for this study was collected using a set of questionnaire distributed to 989 trained teachers from 87 national secondary schools across three states of the Northern Peninsular of Malaysia. The findings revealed that all dimensions of spirituality at workplace namely, meaningful work, sense of belonging to community, and coherence with organizational values were found to be positively influence on commitment to change (personal goals, capacity belief, context belief, and emotional arousal). Findings from this study have several implications. Firstly, this study represents the theoretical or empirical research regarding spirituality at workplace on commitment to change in secondary school education learning. Secondly, despite the fact that spirituality at workplace is an important factor which could enhance higher commitment, these findings also have added value to literatures on Malaysia education management especially in Malaysian secondary school settings since there were limited literatures done on similar setting. As a conclusion, this study suggests that school administrators should fully exploit the role of spirituality at workplace in order to increase teachers’ commitment to change and performance.

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