Anti-microbials and free-radical scavenging activitices of leaf stem and root extracts ziziphus oenoplia (l.) mill

Dr. Sekar, T., Kaffoor Parakeet, H., Nantha Kumar, R. and Sujatha, S.

In the present study, antioxidant activitiesof leaf, stem and root of the pet-ether, chloroform, acetone and methanolic extracts from Ziziphusoenoplia (L.) Mill. Z. oenoplia is one of the folk herbal plants used in various traditional medicaments. Fruits are found to have medicinal properties like blood purifier, febrifuge and abdominal pain etc. The ability of the plant extract to act as hydrogen/electrons donor or scavenger of radicals were determined by in-vitro antioxidant assays and antimicrobial studies of the plant extract of leaves, stem and root of Z. oenoplia. The plantZ. Oenoplia methanolic extract of root showedgreaterIC50forDPPHassay (21.23 µg/ml) and compare to other extract, higher reducing power activity stem in methanol (0.82 EDTAE /100g extract), better root in phosphomolybdenum reduction (0.86 mg/g extract) and higher superoxide radical scavenging activity in root extract (426.32%). However, the better metal chelating ability was shown by the methanol extracts of root (15.982 EDTAE/100g) compared to other solvent extracts. The result indicates the antioxidant and antibacterialactivitypotentialof Z. oenoplia.