This paper attempts to probe into the comparative economics of motorization of traditional crafts and the constraints prevailing for adoption of motorization by traditional fisherman families in Tamilnadu. The comparative cost and return and efficiency analysis confirm that there is proportionate increase in gross and net returns for the increased cost/investment due to motorization coupled with higher labour productivity. The analysis on reasons for non-adoption reveals that lack of access to institutional credit due to the inability to fulfill security formalities is the prime reason followed by prejudiced fear on increased operational expenditure, lack of expertise in operation and maintenance and reluctance to take up a financial risk. To overcome these constraints the paper suggests that the Government by policy should extend the SHG concept to traditional fisherman community aiming at group lending without securities through co-operative societies, combined with an effective extension drive embedded with trainings and counselings so that the standard of living of traditional fishermen would get a lift who till now occupies the category of under privileged for generations together.