In India population of humans are increasing day by day .In accordance with this huge population Indian government giving the all the fundamental needs for each particular person such as food, shelter and medicals facility. For increasing the status of human beings government will developing such strategies that include the prophylaxis against various disease. So, pharmaceuticals company will producing such huge products from tables, syrups and salines. During the production of such pharma preparation heavy organic load pollutants are discharged out of the industry. Such effluents when exposed towards environment it will pollute the ground water as well as the ecology of that site will totally disturbed. These effluent samples are also consist of different solvent systems used for the downstream processing purposes in industry. Solvent in its pure form are volatile but when mixed with organic solute they are non volatile. Such industrial effluent was obtained, from MIDC, Waluj, Aurangabad. When subjected for GC-analysis it was found that the effluent sample were consist of 26% concentration of n-hexane (log Po/W) value was 4.26.