One of the most found out issues with the employers with that of the employee is the occupational stress and it is found to be alarming as a global issue. It is seen that if occupational stress is not managed properly, it causes ill effects to the organization, employee, society and to their family. It is the responsibility of the organization to provide stress management facilities to their employees and it is equally important for the employees to adopt and use various coping strategies personally to manage stress. This study strives to explore the occupational stress and coping strategies among bus drivers as bus driving can be regarded as a classic example of high strain occupation, with high risks of physiological and psychological issues. For this purpose the researcher has identified 12 dimensions of occupational stress having 46 statements on a five point scale and 15 coping strategies adopted by bus drivers to manage stress. A sample of 128 respondents were selected randomly and subjected to structured questionnaire. The study results indicated that high proportion of the bus drivers adopted constructive coping strategy as the means to avoid and disrupt the occupational stress. This study further confirms that the prevalence of occupational stress significantly high among bus drivers. In addition, it was found that the bus drivers’ occupational stress is more influenced with the age and the weekly working hours of the drivers’.