Foot and mouth disease is an infectious highly contagious viral disease of cloven-footed animals with almost 100% morbidity leading to heavy economic losses in terms of decreased production, long convalescence period and mortality in young ones. The pathogen belongs to genus Aphthovirus containing RNA as genetic material. There is no specific treatment available for the ailment. However, timely start of the symptomatic and supportive treatment will lead to increased survival and rapid return to normal production in lactating animals. In this report, an unusual case of FMD in a one year old ram is documented and response to symptomatic and supportive therapy has been evaluated. The findings obtained suggested that prevention from secondary bacterial infection, immune-stimulation and supportive therapy lead to early recovery from the clinical disease. Although, supportive treatment plan costs a lot to the farmer, thus attention must be focused on prophylactic vaccination strategies, autohemotherapy and antisera administration.