Nutrient management through organic in gymnema (Gymnemasylvestre)

Madhavan, S., Rajkumar, M. and Sha, K.

Gymnema (Gymnemasylvestre R. Br.) is one such plant having very much value for its hypoglycemic properties. The plant acquired its importance due to its efficiency in controlling blood glucose level in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients and also due to its action in enhancing endogenous insulin level. Realizing the importance of this plant and also to meet the demand of the drug companies it has become necessary to grow this crop on a commercial scale. As gymnema is a medicinal plant, more emphasis has to be given to orient the production chemical residue free gymnema for local consumption as v/ell as for export under organic farming system. If it is possible to obtain reasonably high yield combined with good quality gymnema by the use of organic manure and organic growth stimulants, it could result increasing the export market thereby increasing foreign exchange earning of our nation. With this view, the present investigation was designed to study the effect of vermicompost and composted coirpith along with soil and foliar application of humic acid on growth, yield and quality of gymnema . The experiment was laidout in a Randomized Black Design with thirteen treatments replicated thrice. The experiment results reveal that the growth and yield parameters such as number of laterals/vine, number of leaves/laterals, leaf area, single leaf weight, hundred leaves weight, fresh and dry yield/plant were found to be maximum in the treatment which received vermicompost @ 1kg +root isolate of Azosprillum + Humic acid 0.2% foliar spray. It was also noticed that the' same treatment had recorded the maximum chlorophyll fluorescence, soluble protein content, crude recovery and gymnemic acid. Taking into consideration of the above results, we could enhance the foliage yield of gymnema through organic means.

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