November 2016

  1. Effect of graded levels of nitrogen and azospirillum on fruit yield and nutrient uptake in ash gourd (benincasa hispida cogn.) cv. co.1
    Muruganandam, C., Anandaraj, I. and Sivasankar, S.
  2. Effects of some additives on cryopreservation of black bengal buck (capra hircusbengalensis) semen
    Krishna Prasad Mukherjee, Siddhartha Basu, Ajit Kumar Sahoo, Uttam Datta and Somraj Chattaraj
  3. A Model for the flow of natural gas through a pipeline in two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates
    Effiong, E.E., Orga, A.C., Ibe, E.C., Ekeke I. C. and Nzebuka, C. G.