April 2018

  1. Effect of Biofertilizers and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Chilli (Capsicum Annuum L.) Var- Co 1
    Pratheep, S. and Kanchana, D.
  2. Effect of rhizobacterial inoculation on the germination and vigour index of ashwagandha (withania somnifera dunal)
    Rajasekar, S. and Nathiya, G.
  3. Influence of microbial inoculants on trichomes in tomato against fruit worm
    Muthukumaran, N. and Anusuya, R.
  4. Possibilities of aspergillus niger as scp using sugarcane molasses and effluent of sago industry as substrate
    Mathiyazhagan, N., Backiareha, R. and Gejendiran, K.
  5. Studies on the inoculation effect of asospirillum on growth and yield parameters of chilli var – 1
    Mano, B., Usharani, G., Kanchana, D. and Praveenkumar, R.
  6. Quality assessment of phytochemical analysis of withania somnifera
    Geetha, M. and Rajasekar, S.
  7. Micropropagation and standardization of photoperiod in g9 banana (grand naine) invito condition
    Revathi Chitra, S., Rega, S. and Shantha, M.
  8. Micropropagation and standardization of photoperiod in g9 banana (grand naine) invito condition
    Revathi Chitra, S., Rega, S. and Shantha, M.
  9. Anticancer activity of hemidesmus indicus root by dye exclusion method
    Dr. Shalini, R. and Dr. Rajan, S.
  10. Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays and ems on chick pea
    Umavathi, S. and Mullainathan, L.
